******* Republican Josh Mandel Received his 6th Pants on Fire *******
Ohio's absent Treasurer, Josh Mandel,
is a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate. Mandel, has made another
statement in his political ad that has been called his 6th Pants on Fire by Ohio Politifact.
....The ad claims Brown sent billions of dollars to foreign countries. The
information that the ad uses to back up that claim, that Brown voted for
the stimulus bill, has been proven false. Brown did not make decisions
on how that money would be spent, and he was one of the senators who
called for its suspension after the foreign grants were reported.
When confronted with those facts, the Mandel campaign offered as support for its claim that Brown votes for appropriations for U.S. foreign operations. That's the money for embassies, war-related spending to help establish new governments and the U.S. portions of international missions. That's a ridiculous stretch from what the ad implies, which is that Brown tried to hide that he irresponsibly sent billions or our tax dollars to foreign countries.
We have a rating for statements that are both false and ridiculous. It's Pants on Fire.
When confronted with those facts, the Mandel campaign offered as support for its claim that Brown votes for appropriations for U.S. foreign operations. That's the money for embassies, war-related spending to help establish new governments and the U.S. portions of international missions. That's a ridiculous stretch from what the ad implies, which is that Brown tried to hide that he irresponsibly sent billions or our tax dollars to foreign countries.
We have a rating for statements that are both false and ridiculous. It's Pants on Fire.
••••••>>>> What would a Romney-Ryan administration do for you? NOTHING!> Paul Ryan would end Pell grants for college students.
> Paul Ryan is against women's reproductive freedom and is against abortion, even in cases of rape and incest.
> Paul Ryan would end Medicare and give the elderly a voucher of approximately $6000/yr. to look for and pay for private medical coverage.
> Mitt Romney would try to get "...rid of Planned Parenthood..."
> Mitt Romney was against the plan to save the American auto companies, and suggested that people should "....let Detroit go bankrupt..."
> Under the Paul Ryan tax cut plan, Mitt Romney would pay an income tax
of less than 1%.
> Cuban Americans should ask for some clarification from Paul Ryan on his views of Cuba.
> Romney and Ryan want to end Medicare and raising the retirement age. President Obama has a plan to save $716 billion in the program.