Sunday, August 26, 2012

Remember Those that Supported SB 5

If you recall the Ohio Republican attacks on organized labor, you'll certainly remember those that supported SB 5.  Josh Mandel voiced his support to cut the rights of teachers, nurses, fire fighters, police officers, and state workers.  Gov. John Kasich and Shannon Jones pushed SB 5's passage. Here in Worthington, Mike Duffey turned his back on the teachers, police, fire fighters, nurses, and state employees that are his neighbors so that he could vote for and support this radical GOP legislation. Duffey hasn't done much for his hometown. Duffey continues to vote for the extreme agenda supported by Kasich, and the far right Republicans. Kasich and his cronies have cut funding to public schools, cities, villages, and counties, in order to give more tax cuts to corporate buddies.

Democrat Donna O'Connor, is Duffey's opponent, in Ohio House District 21.

Donna O'Connor has this statement on her website:

...I need your support to continue our fight inside the Statehouse for the future of public education, for economic opportunities for our middle class and for equal opportunities for my children and yours.

The current leadership in the Statehouse continues to support legislation that suppresses voters and dramatically cuts funds to local municipalities and public schools. And while budgets are shrinking for the average taxpayer, politicians continue to pass legislation providing loopholes and tax exemptions for the most wealthy and connected Ohioans....

It is time to put someone in office that cares about the middle class, and our public schools.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Do you want a voucher with that?

* There has been lots of talk about Medicare the last few days in politics. If there is one thing that we know for sure it is that the lives of our seniors, and children, should not be sacrificed so that more tax cuts can go to the top 1%.

Voting for Romney-Ryan, the Republicans who intend to dismantle Medicare, and hand out vouchers, will force seniors to pay twice as much for their coverage. This is what seniors have in their future:  CLICK HERE---> Donkeyhotey 

The following video is from Youtube:

• Ohio's absent Treasurer, Josh Mandel, was caught faking a southern accent as he spoke to coalminers in southeastern Ohio.  HuffPost has the details.  (FYI: Mandel is from the Cleveland area.)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Paul Ryan: Ban some birth control pills

* Did you know that Paul Ryan was a cosponsor of a bill that would force women to undergo a vaginal ultrasound before they could have an abortion?   MSNBC's Rachel Maddow explained Paul Ryan's far right, bizarre, conservative views and actions regarding women's health: (h/t RH Reality Check)  

Paul Ryan is against abortion, even in incidents of rape and incest, and has pushed the idea of banning some birth control pills (LINK).

* Wasn't it amazing that when Mitt Romney came to Ohio yesterday, the Ohio Republican Party could only gather up their regular, rich white men to speak?  These fat cat male Republicans support --- tax cuts for the wealthy, restricting women's rights, blocking your right to vote, giving tax breaks to companies that are their pals, keeping most of their tax returns secret (Romney and Kasich), throwing the poor into the street, de-funding public education, letting corporations run charter schools and make money off of the education of children, cutting the SNAP program (food stamps for poor) taking Grandma's Medicare and Social Security, blaming teachers/firefighters/police/nurses/state employees for the country's economic problems, cutting college grants, etc.

Republicans are pushing an economic plan to raise middle class taxes and give millionaires more tax cuts?  How can any sane person support this?

(Romney and Kasich have a lot in common. Romney ran Bain Capital, and Kasich was a vice President at Lehman Brothers.)

* Does anyone else think that John Sununu is full of something?

Monday, August 13, 2012

Six Times????

*******  Republican Josh Mandel Received his 6th Pants on Fire  *******

Ohio's absent Treasurer, Josh Mandel, is a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate.  Mandel, has made another statement in his political ad that has been called his 6th Pants on Fire by Ohio Politifact.

....The ad claims Brown sent billions of dollars to foreign countries. The information that the ad uses to back up that claim, that Brown voted for the stimulus bill, has been proven false. Brown did not make decisions on how that money would be spent, and he was one of the senators who called for its suspension after the foreign grants were reported.

When confronted with those facts, the Mandel campaign offered as support for its claim that Brown votes for appropriations for U.S. foreign operations. That's the money for embassies, war-related spending to help establish new governments and the U.S. portions of international missions. That's a ridiculous stretch from what the ad implies, which is that Brown tried to hide that he irresponsibly sent billions or our tax dollars to foreign countries.

We have a rating for statements that are both false and ridiculous. It's Pants on Fire.

OMG!  Josh Mandel would lie and go to any lengths to get elected. Shame.

••••••>>>>  What would a Romney-Ryan administration do for you?  NOTHING!

>  Paul Ryan would end Pell grants for college students.

>  Paul Ryan is against women's reproductive freedom and is against abortion, even in cases of rape and incest.

>  Paul Ryan would end Medicare and give the elderly a voucher of approximately $6000/yr. to look for and pay for private medical coverage.

>  Mitt Romney would try to get "...rid of Planned Parenthood..."

>  Mitt Romney was against the plan to save the American auto companies, and suggested that people should "....let Detroit go bankrupt..."

>  Under the Paul Ryan tax cut plan, Mitt Romney would pay an income tax
of less than 1%.

>  Cuban Americans should ask for some clarification from Paul Ryan on his views of Cuba.

>  Romney and Ryan want to end Medicare and raising the retirement age.  President Obama has a plan to save $716 billion in the program.